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Keep track of your career with

Maybe you can't imagine it now, but over time you'll forget a lot of details about your career. There's a good chance you'll try your hand at more than one job in the coming years. Perhaps you'll work for someone else, or you might become self-employed, or work in the public sector.

Either way, it's important to be clear about exactly when and where you worked - to build up your CV. This proves to your next employer that you have years of useful experience behind you. You could also use it to show you've worked enough to be eligible for time credit.

These are all cases where will prove useful. It is an online application from the federal government that shows all the jobs you've had. It lists exactly where you worked and when, and even how much you earned. You'll need to log in with your eID card or using a unique code(new window), generated via a mobile app.

Data from the Belgian social security databases will be included automatically. This makes the most reliable memory aid you can imagine!

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